• Policies

  • Southlake Chamber Oktoberfest
    Vendor/Sponsor Policies

    Southlake Chamber of Commerce (SCC) must set and enforce certain policies and standards for Vendors
    and Sponsors in order to ensure a safe and equitable environment for all participants.
    General Rules
    1. Absolutely no selling or solicitation is to take place outside of rented booth spaces. No vendor/sponsor
    may expand his/her display beyond the boundaries of their rented space.
    2. Authorized vendor/sponsor representatives must staff booths during all exhibit hours. Vendor/sponsor
    may not arrive to set up after the vendor/sponsor room/festival has opened, or begin to tear down and/or
    leave early, unless specific prior consent has been granted by the Vendor/Sponsor Coordinator.
    3. Materials such as handbills or fliers may only be distributed within the Vendor’s/Sponsor’s booth.
    4. No vendor/sponsor or agent of a vendor/sponsor may promote, display, or behave in a manner
    considered offensive or distasteful as determined by SCC. Examples include promoting racism, gender
    bias, etc.
    5. All vendors/sponsors must comply with, and be bound by, all laws, ordinances, and regulations of the
    country, state, county, city, facility, and, if applicable, police and fire departments.
    Oktoberfest Festival Specific Rules
    1. Banners, signs, displays and tents may not cause damage to park property. Vendor/Sponsor is
    responsible for cleaning up their space before leaving and should not leave trash or other debris in the
    2. Vendor/Sponsor must provide their own tents, tables, chairs or displays unless otherwise agreed to.
    SCC is selling a space only and does not provide any equipment.
    3. Driving onto the festival grounds is a privilege and not a right. If a vendor/sponsor drives in a manner
    that would damage the area in any way or endanger people in the area, they will be asked to remove their
    vehicle at once and will not be permitted to return. All vendors/sponsors who do drive onto festival
    grounds should minimize the amount of time their vehicle is there by keeping it there for loading and
    unloading only. Vendors/Sponsors should respect all directives of SCC staff regarding the use of vehicles
    on festival grounds.
    Vendor/Sponsor Terms and Conditions
    1. Application Fees, Booth Specifications, and Services
    a. Companies, organizations, or individuals selling or promoting products or services at Southlake
    Chamber Oktoberfest event must rent exhibit space and must confine such activities to the space rented.
    Exceptions to this requirement must be obtained in writing from SCC prior to the start of the event.
    b. Exhibit space assignment will be confirmed only when payment and completed vendor forms are
    received by SCC. No spaces will be “held” pending payment. NSF checks will be charged a $35
    processing fee and another form of payment must be used such as a money order, cashier’s check, cash,
    or credit card.
    c. Exhibit space will be assigned by the Vendor/Sponsor Coordinator, taking into consideration each
    applicant’s placement preferences and requests whenever possible. All decisions about exhibitor space
    assignments are final. 
    d. Vendor/Sponsor fees are non-refundable. Rental fees are not refundable under any circumstances.
    Exceptions for extraordinary circumstances may be granted by the Vendor/Sponsor Coordinator or other
    authorized officer of SCC. In the event that a vendor/sponsor cancels or fails occupy his/her space prior to
    open of business, SCC has the right to use said unoccupied space to suit its own convenience, including
    renting said space to another vendor without rebate or allowance due to the defaulting vendor.
    Vendors/Sponsors agree that if any default is made in any covenant or agreement contained herein SLC
    may, at its option, cease and terminate the contractual relationships.
    e. Vendors/Sponsors may not begin to dismantle display/booth before the official close of the vendor
    room/festival. Vendors/Sponsors dismantling prior to the official close will not be invited back to future
    events, and may be denied future participation.
    2. Security and Liability
    a. Vendors/Sponsors are solely responsible for collecting and paying all applicable city, county, state, and
    federal taxes on sales and promotional activities at SCC Oktoberfest.
    b. SCC will arrange for personnel to watch over the vendor/sponsor area, but is not responsible for any
    injury to vendor’s/sponsor’s agents, servants, employees, or damage to or theft of property from any
    cause prior to, during, or subsequent to the event. Vendors/sponsors hereby expressly agree to indemnify
    and hold harmless SCC against any and all claims for such loss, damage, or injury.
    c. Vendors/Sponsors are fully responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to the convention site owners or
    personnel resulting from vendor’s displays or actions. Vendors/Sponsors are fully responsible for loss,
    damage, or injury to SCC staff, volunteers, and attendees resulting from vendor’s/sponsor’s displays or
    d. Vendors/Sponsors are liable to SCC for any and all damage, from whatever cause, to rented or leased
    booth equipment, and shall indemnify, defend, or hold harmless SCC against any and all claims or suits
    for such damage. 

  • Privacy Policy 
    Last updated: 12/12/17
     The Southlake Chamber of Commerce operates the site https://www.southlakechamber.com/
    This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information we receive from users of the Site. 
     We use your Personal Information only for providing and improving the Site. By using the Site, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy. 
     Information Collection And Use 
    While using our Site, we may ask you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you. Personally identifiable information may include,
    but is not limited to your name ("Personal Information"). 
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     Changes To This Privacy Policy 
     This Privacy Policy is effective as of 12/12/17 and will remain in effect except with respect to any changes in its provisions in the future, which will be in effect immediately after being posted on this page. 
     We reserve the right to update or change our Privacy Policy at any time and you should check this 
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     If we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you either through the email address you have provided us, or by placing a prominent notice on our website. 
     Contact Us 
    If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us. Southlake Chamber of Commerce   1501 Corporate Circle, Suite 100    Southlake, TX 76092   817.481.8200